The Kills of Kedumba: The story of a Blue Mountains Pioneering Family


Author: Jim Barrett
ISBN: 9780646497617
234mm x 165mm, Paperback, 60 pages
Price will include $1 extra for p&h

The core of the story of the Kills of Kedumba is the marriage of George Kill and Mary Ann Hunt and the years which they spent on Cox's River. The Kill site was associated with efforts to extract cedar from the Kowmung River catchment.


Author: Jim Barrett
ISBN: 9780646497617
234mm x 165mm, Paperback, 60 pages
Price will include $1 extra for p&h

The core of the story of the Kills of Kedumba is the marriage of George Kill and Mary Ann Hunt and the years which they spent on Cox's River. The Kill site was associated with efforts to extract cedar from the Kowmung River catchment.

Author: Jim Barrett
ISBN: 9780646497617
234mm x 165mm, Paperback, 60 pages
Price will include $1 extra for p&h

The core of the story of the Kills of Kedumba is the marriage of George Kill and Mary Ann Hunt and the years which they spent on Cox's River. The Kill site was associated with efforts to extract cedar from the Kowmung River catchment.