Praying a Scripture Rosary in an Aboriginal Way


Author: Helen-Mary Langlands fcj (editor)
ISBN: 9780646920641
A5, Paperback, 150pp
Price will include $1 extra for p&h

The rosary beads pictured on the front cover have been made from gumnuts which have been gathered, drilled, processed and crocheted by Sr Helen-Mary Langlands FCJ and friends of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry. The large gumnuts have been drilled by Rev Charles Balnaves and Michael Balnaves. Gerard Dietrich, Vaughan Eddy, Frank McKinley, Rodney and Gabriel Augustine and Sr SharonTeresa RSJ drilled all sizes of gumnut. The crosses have been hand-crafted by Walter Valles,Trevor Clark and Sascha Grant. All crosses have been painted by Vicki Clark, Mutthi Mutthi. The Cross on the cover is made from Australian timber and rests on an Australian Aboriginal Flag.


Author: Helen-Mary Langlands fcj (editor)
ISBN: 9780646920641
A5, Paperback, 150pp
Price will include $1 extra for p&h

The rosary beads pictured on the front cover have been made from gumnuts which have been gathered, drilled, processed and crocheted by Sr Helen-Mary Langlands FCJ and friends of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry. The large gumnuts have been drilled by Rev Charles Balnaves and Michael Balnaves. Gerard Dietrich, Vaughan Eddy, Frank McKinley, Rodney and Gabriel Augustine and Sr SharonTeresa RSJ drilled all sizes of gumnut. The crosses have been hand-crafted by Walter Valles,Trevor Clark and Sascha Grant. All crosses have been painted by Vicki Clark, Mutthi Mutthi. The Cross on the cover is made from Australian timber and rests on an Australian Aboriginal Flag.

Author: Helen-Mary Langlands fcj (editor)
ISBN: 9780646920641
A5, Paperback, 150pp
Price will include $1 extra for p&h

The rosary beads pictured on the front cover have been made from gumnuts which have been gathered, drilled, processed and crocheted by Sr Helen-Mary Langlands FCJ and friends of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry. The large gumnuts have been drilled by Rev Charles Balnaves and Michael Balnaves. Gerard Dietrich, Vaughan Eddy, Frank McKinley, Rodney and Gabriel Augustine and Sr SharonTeresa RSJ drilled all sizes of gumnut. The crosses have been hand-crafted by Walter Valles,Trevor Clark and Sascha Grant. All crosses have been painted by Vicki Clark, Mutthi Mutthi. The Cross on the cover is made from Australian timber and rests on an Australian Aboriginal Flag.